Friday, January 25, 2013

January 17

A gift bringing:
Laughter: my kids never fail to bring me laughter during the day. Those moments are what makes the many hard ones so worth it.
Prayer: our Thursday night bible study. It was late and we all just wanted to go home to bed but encouraged each other to stay and pray for one another before we left. What a gift to have the prayers of others following you.
Quiet: quiet is always a gift in itself. The kids napping together in the afternoon is such a gift to me. A time to refocus refresh and and prepare for the "evening rush".

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January 16

3 Witnessed Blessings
...not quite sure about this one so here are my own ideas from today:
1. I went to the women's bible study I am apart of today and it is such a blessing to be cared about by these other women and study such a great book.
2. Having my siblings stay with us has been so fantastic. They have been so fun and such a great help and great company.
3. Having my brother around today to keep my daughter while I went to bible study. She wAs so grouchy this morning and would have been near impossible to take along. I love how much my brother loves the kids and is willing to hang out with them.

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January 15

A gift worn: the sweater I'm wearing today I was given for Christmas.
Given away: with Christmas just having passed i feel we are so blessed to have the funds to buy presents for others.
Shared: I was able to share some knowledge and experience with a friend today to help out.

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January 14

3 Startling Graces of God
I've been reading a book called "Because He Loves Me" by Elyse Fitzpatrick with the Women's Bible Study from my church. This book is FULL of these startling graces - I am daily amazed. Here are the most recent three I can think of:

1. We have been justified! Our sinful record was taken on by Christ on the cross and he suffered the punishment we deserved....but justification means so much more than that. "Jesus' perfect record has become ours". This is how God sees though we have never ever sinned. As though we are as blameless and perfect as his son Jesus! As if we have always kept all his commandments, always been more focused on accomplishing his will than anything else in our lives, always does the things that are pleasing to amazing.

2. "I am more sinful and flawed than I ever dared believed, but I am more loved and welcomed than I ever dared hope." He loves ME so much that "the payment (for sin) he demanded, he has provided", so that i can once again be in the presence of the Father. Thank you Father for forgiveness and unfailing, unending love.

3. God does discipline and train us, but "his work in our lives is never punitive, it is ALWAYS redemptive". God never punishes us for our sin, just gently and lovingly frees us from it. "He never punishes us in wrath because he has no wrath left. Every drop of his wrath was ALL poured out on his Son." His blameless Son took the full wrath of his Father for sin he never committed for me. I don't have to see my God as an angry God waiting for me to fail so he can punish me...he is never angry with me - that was all dealt with on the cross.

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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

January 13

3 things about yourself that you are grateful for:
The general feeling of peace and contentment that I feel being a mother and housewife.
My thirst for knowledge that allows me to be a small source of information for others to help them.
A body in good working order that allows me to take care of my busy children and help others out with theirs.

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January 12

Above- my ceiling
Below- my pillow
Beside- my husband

I feel so incredibly blessed to have a lovely house to live in, a warm bed to sleep in at night, and a fantastic, loving husband and father to my kids to wake up to every morning. Thank you Father for your incredible blessings and provisions.

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Friday, January 11, 2013

January 11

3 Yellow Gifts of Fresh Mercy


2: the sun shining today easing the bitter cold.
3: fresh bananas to eat and share this morning.

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